Friday, April 3, 2009

My feathered friendf

“Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches on the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops- at all.”

The poem goes on, but I can’t remember it. And I’m sure you get the general idea anyway.
I must start by saying I like this poem. It addresses something which interests me.. Which is why I chose it a few years ago for a speech and drama grade. It’s nice and simple and well.. it’s just likeable.

Tonight however I must express my current partial disagreement with the fourth line..
It’s not that I completely disagree with it, it’s that I don’t completely agree with it.

You see my feathered friend has been singing his tune a bit too loudly recently, and seems to have been bird bashed because of it. Not just once, but repeatedly over the space of a short while. He is now lying in the darkness somewhere in a critical feathery mess. And you know what? I’m reluctant to help. If I do what is it for? For him to climb back up, start singing and fall back down in a worse state than he currently is in? That’s a bit cruel don’t you think? The poor fella has been through enough.

But maybe... just maybe, this time when he reclaims his place he might stay there. Maybe he will keep singing his beautiful song. Maybe he’ll live through the frequent violent attacks; every little dig; all the daily pokes and jabs. Maybe they will strengthen him. And maybe with his newfound strength and some care and nurturing he will fly higher and higher; sing louder than all the other birds; grow into a creature of great strength and beauty and most of all never ever fall back down.

Pure fantasy, eh? Yes, I do believe so, but the fact that I’m writing this proves that my feathered friend is creeping up on me again. He’s beginning to hum. I however, am going to wait a while until I’m sure he is ready to make a full recovery.

So yes, I disagree with the fourth line.. I believe that hope stops singing, for a period of time at least, but eventually it will pick itself back up and sing again. Hopefully=/

Metophorical rant over=/

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Apologies and promises!


I was informed late last night that I should start blogging again...
So I will:] Until my very short attention span gets the better of me yet again=/
Or maybe it won't! And I'll be a very cool bloggy person... just maybe....:P

So anyways, in future this will more than likely be filled with whatever ranting I need to get off my chest (I'll make it as interesting as possible I promise!); radio news:] (Tuesdays 6-7 Dundalk fm); possible rantage in irish; and also possibly(and hopefully) new lyrics and poetry...

So all I need to do now is wait for inspiration!!
I'll now go sit in a dark corner and wait for it to come.....:D

Back soon,