Monday, October 6, 2008

Amazing children

After posting that article I've really begun thinking about certain things again.
First and foremost I miss the kids I was taking care of in the orphanage. I miss them an unbelievable amount.
It is impossible to describe such a thing as the love I experienced out in that country in a simple article.

These children had nothing of their own. Nothing except the love that they gave to those who passed through their lives and showed that they cared.
They shared everything, toys, clothes, cots...
None of these children had anything of their own, absolutely nothing (apart from the occasional child who was about to be adopted and might have a few special bangles).
But they were by far the happiest children I have ever come across in my life.
If you gave them a simple toy car or a crayon their entire faces would light up in this magical smile of delight and gratitude.

I soon found out that the more love and energy you put into the work the more you got out. If you smiled, hugged, carried, soothed, taught, fed, tickled and gave every single bit of energy possible into simple tasks you got this indescribable feeling inside you ready to burst from your chest. I've yet to come up with a suitable name for this amazing sense of well being. And it is this incredible feeling that gives your exhausted body the energy to carry on giving and giving and giving. I've never felt anything like it. Those smiles and giggles and hugs were like a drug to me. It is something everyone should get the chance to experience at some stage in their lives.

The sad thing about it is that these orphans who had no material possessions of their own were the lucky ones.
They had shelter, a bed, food, water, education, people who loved them and most of all an opportunity to be adopted and gain a better life.
Others were not so lucky. These were the street children we saw every single day everywhere we walked. But one thing you have to understand about countries like this is that you can't help everyone and this is a very hard thing to deal with. The poverty is heart breaking but you have to take it one step at a time and just do your best.

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